30 main museums of St. Petersburg


The northern capital of Russia is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Literary, historical, local history and art - sufficient attention is paid to each of the directions in St. Petersburg. The rich history has made it possible to collect in one place so many artifacts and values ​​that a tourist will hardly be able to cover all the expositions and exhibitions in one trip.

City collections are constantly being restored and replenished. Museum business keeps up with the times: interactivity and new ways to convey information no longer surprise visitors. Depending on your preferences in St. Petersburg, you can find a museum to your liking, not really straining. Although it is better to expand horizons and walk along iconic tourist routes, there will be a lot of impressions.

The most interesting museums in St. Petersburg

Interesting museums worth visiting. List, photo with titles and descriptions!

State Hermitage

Founded in 1764. Located in the Winter Palace. In total, the museum complex occupies five buildings. Initially, it was the personal collection of Catherine II. Available to the public since 1852. The exhibits cover the period from the Stone Age to the end of the 20th century. The most valuable and popular collections: Scythian gold, paintings by "old masters", European painting, numismatics fund, antique antiquities and more.

Address: St. Petersburg, Dvortsovaya embankment, 34

Website: hermitagemuseum.org

State Russian Museum

Year of foundation - 1985. The complex consists of five buildings, the main of which is the Mikhailovsky Palace. This is the largest collection of Russian art in the world. The museum began its history with the receipt of paintings from the Hermitage and the Academy of Arts, since then the collection has been constantly replenished. The canvases are divided into periods and schools. The impressive collection of icons is one of the highlights of the exhibition.

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Engineering, 4

Site: rusmuseum.ru


Also called the Museum of Rarities, Anthropology and Ethnography. It was first mentioned in documents in 1714. The collections are divided by region. Here are collected objects of art, labor and everyday life of different nationalities from all continents. There are also sections devoted exclusively to the anatomy and history of the Kunstkamera itself. The museum building is also part of the heritage and architectural landmark.

Address: St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya embankment, 3

Site: kunstkamera.ru

Central Naval Museum

Founded in 1709. One of the oldest museums in the world. Boasts an extensive collection of ship models - over two thousand. The Armory Fund consists of copies created and used in the past in different countries. There is also painting - recognized works related to the marine theme. Banners, drawings, unique documents - everything found a place on the stands and showcases.

Address: Bolshaya Morskaya, 69 A

Site: navalmuseum.ru

Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops and Signal Corps

He began his history in 1703. Has undergone many changes. Now it is located in the auxiliary fortification of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The collection includes hundreds of thousands of exhibits, including more than two hundred real guns, tanks, missile systems and other samples of large military equipment. The exposition belongs to the period from the 15th century to the present.

Address: St. Petersburg, Aleksandrovsky Park, 7

Site: artillery-museum.ru

Grand Model Russia

Founded in 2008. Private project. The largest layout in our country and the second largest in the world. It is a miniature copy of Russia. The construction work has been going on for five years. Now the reduced world lives by all the rules: cars drive on the roads, trains run, day and night change. The museum constantly wins in domestic and international competitions, keeping the quality bar.

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Floral, 16

Site: grandmaket.ru

Faberge Museum

Opened in 2013. Location - the Naryshkin-Shuvalov palace. His collection is a collection of elements of applied and decorative art of the 19th-20th centuries and jewelry. A special place in the exposition is occupied by Faberge Easter eggs, created for the imperial family. In addition, the walls are decorated with paintings by famous Russian masters: Aivazovsky, Bryullov, Korovin and others.

Address: St. Petersburg, Fontanka River Embankment, 21

Site: fabergemuseum.ru

Museum of the History of St. Petersburg

Created in 1908. Located in the Peter and Paul Fortress. All exhibits relate to the history of the northern capital, tracing the uneasy path of the city from its foundation to the modern period. The number of exhibits has long crossed the million mark. For obvious reasons, not all of them are on display. From time to time, the museum has branches and temporary exhibitions.

Address: St. Petersburg, Peter and Paul Fortress, 3

Site: spbmuseum.ru

Cruiser Aurora"

The ship-museum, which is permanently anchored at the Petropavlovskaya embankment. After construction, he took part in several cruises, then was a training ship, and after that he changed his role, becoming a museum object. Anyone can board the Aurora, either as part of an excursion group or independently. The ship sometimes hosts charity events.

Address: St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya embankment

Site: navalmuseum.ru

Central Museum of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation

Founded in 1813. His specialization is railways and everything connected with them. The funds of the museum unite about fifty thousand exhibits. Since the area of ​​the building does not allow all of them to be displayed, the exposition changes from time to time. Usually, more than a dozen different exhibitions are held per year, which makes it possible to fully cover the history of railway transport.

Address: Sadovaya, 50

Site: cmzt.narod.ru

Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art

Founded in 2010. Located on Vasilievsky Island. The collection numbers about three thousand works of masters from St. Petersburg and from all over Russia. Its doors are open for exhibitions, lectures, seminars and other events related to contemporary art. The name stands for "era of art". This is the main mission of the museum - to popularize new trends.

Address: St. Petersburg, 29th line of Vasilievsky Island, 2

Website: erarta.com

House of Peter I

As a museum, it has been open to the public since 1930. Since the building was the summer residence of the emperor for several years, the exposition is mostly dedicated to Peter I, as well as his era. By order of Catherine II, a "case" was built around the house - a stone fence with an iron roof. The house contains the personal belongings of the monarch, household items, and recreates the general atmosphere of the early 18th century.

Address: St. Petersburg, Petrovskaya embankment, 6

Site: rusmuseum.ru

Russian Ethnographic Museum

It was founded in 1895 as part of the Russian Museum, and in 1934 it became an independent unit. After the war, the Moscow collection of the Museum of the Peoples of the USSR moved here. This made it possible to collect many valuable artifacts under one roof, and the status of the St. Petersburg exposition has significantly increased. The exhibitions are divided geographically and cover the entire country at different times.

Address: Engineering, 4/1

Website: ethnomuseum.ru

State Museum-Monument "St. Isaac's Cathedral"

It received the status of a museum in 1928. There is an observation deck on the dome with a panoramic view of the city. Church services are held daily. The building itself is an architectural monument made in the style of classicism. It is decorated with sculptures, of which there are more than three hundred. A tour of the cathedral includes both historical information and a detailed story about the decor elements.

Address: St. Petersburg, Nevsky prospect, 29-31

Site: cathedral.ru

Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts

Since 1859, the entrance has become available to everyone, before that the collection was collected privately. There were exhibited works of art that claimed to be included in the Russian Museum. Each floor is dedicated to a separate exposition: a collection of antiques, students' graduation works, design models. The same building houses an archive, a library, a museum named after Repin, and so on.

Address: St. Petersburg, University embankment, 17

Website: artsacademymuseum.org

A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications

Founded in 1872, but was originally a telegraph museum. It has been working in its modern form since 2003. The exposition includes rarities related to mail: cards, envelopes, archives, etc. The collection also includes all kinds of devices invented by Popov. The collection of stamps is of particular interest to visitors. Some of them are worth millions.

Address: St. Petersburg, Pochtamtsky lane, 4

Site: rustelecom-museum.ru

State Memorial Museum of Defense and Siege of Leningrad

Opened in 1946. Dedicated mainly to the events of the Second World War and the Blockade of the city. Occupies the building where the Handicraft Museum used to be. The exposition was collected from household items, weapons, campaign materials, the press, documentary evidence recorded from the words of eyewitnesses, diaries and other things. The total number of exhibits is about twenty thousand.

Address: St. Petersburg, Solyanoy lane, 9

Website: blokadamus.ru

Russian State Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic

Year of foundation - 1930. Location - a former church. The building was opened for visiting seven years after its foundation. At the moment, the exposition is divided into three areas: the Arctic, Antarctica and the development of the Northern Sea Route. Among the exhibits there are expedition equipment, samples brought from there, models of ships that took part in the campaigns, rare photographs and much more.

Address: Marata, 24 A

Site: polarmuseum.ru

Museum-apartment of A.S. Pushkin on the Moika

Opened in 1927. Initially, it occupied several rooms, but was later expanded. Most of the museum is reserved for personal belongings, collections of literary works and household items typical of that time. The excursion concerns the last years of Pushkin's life, since it was them that he spent in this apartment. The exposition was collected carefully and consists of a sufficient number of rarities.

Address: St. Petersburg, nab. Moika river, 12

Site: museumpushkin.ru

Museum of the Political History of Russia

Became the successor of the Museum of the Revolution, which has existed since 1919. Now the historical period that the exhibition covers is limited by the following time frames: from the reign of Catherine II to the present. The archives contain important documents - evidence of bygone eras. The museum occupies two mansions - both are objects of special value and belong to architectural monuments.

Address: Kuibyshev, 2-4

Site: polithistory.ru

State Museum of the History of Religion

Officially opened since 1932. Has several permanent exhibitions related to the emergence and development of world religions. Eastern beliefs are combined into one segment. In addition, for several years there have been exhibitions of the following directions: polytheism, archaic rituals and beliefs, the origins of monotheism, the emergence of Christianity. The museum has a thematic library, scientific work with the fund is allowed.

Address: Pochtamtskaya, 14/5

Site: gmir.ru

Saint Petersburg Planetarium

The year of opening - 1959. Consists of six halls, and bearing the name "Star" - one of the largest in Russia. Its dome has a special design - it is not visible from the outside. The programs here are different, in addition to the show, lectures are given. The local gallery hosts exhibitions. "Planet" is a hall with a pie chart. And the observatory at the planetarium is the place of real research work.

Address: St. Petersburg, Aleksandrovsky Park, 4

Site: planetary-spb.ru

Museum of Music (Fountain House)

It has another name - Sheremetyevsky Palace. Since the house is located on the Fontanka, its next name also appeared. The exposition consists of the largest collection of musical instruments from different countries in Russia. The Akhmatova Museum is located in one of the wings of the Fountain House. It opened in 1989. The exposition contains things related to the personal life and work of the poetess.

Address: St. Petersburg, Fontanka river embankment, 34

Site: theatremuseum.ru

Museum complex "Universe of Water"

It is located in a large water tower built in brick style in the middle of the 19th century. The museum combines interactive exhibitions and classical ones. During the excursion, the story is about both water in general and the interaction of a person with the water element. But special attention is paid to the city's water supply, treatment facilities and other issues of the civilized use of natural resources.

Address: Shpalernaya, 56 A

Site: vodokanal-museum.ru

Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Founded in 1832, separated from the Kunstkamera. However, in the modern period, it again ceased to be independent - it works as a part of the Zoological Institute. Three rooms tell about different classes and groups of animals. The first is insects, pinnipeds, and cetaceans. The second is vertebrates, invertebrates, parasites. The third is mammals, including extinct ones.

Address: St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 1

Site: zin.ru

Museum of Russian Vodka

Founded in 2001. The exhibition consists of original bottles, corks and labels. The exposition tells about the history of the creation of the most popular alcoholic drink in the country. At the end of the excursion, guests are offered a tasting of several varieties of vodka with traditional Russian snacks. Next to the museum, there is a restaurant with a recreated atmosphere of the late 19th century.

Address: St. Petersburg, Konnogvardeisky Boulevard, 4

Website: stroganoffgroup.ru

Botanical Museum. V. L. Komarova

It has existed in its present form since 1931. There are four exhibitions on its territory: "Vegetation of the World", "Plants and Man", "Plant Resources of Our Motherland" and "History and Evolution of Plants". There are also greenhouses and an arboretum park. Botanical collections have been collected for decades. In total, about eight thousand plant species are represented here.

Address: Professor Popov, 2

Site: binran.ru

Museum and Exhibition Center "Rosfoto"

Founded in 2002. A building on Bolshaya Morskaya Street is allocated for it. The main goal of Rosfoto is to provide a platform for the demonstration of art objects. These may not be necessarily photographic works, but also related areas. In addition to its direct purpose, the building is used for film screenings. The center annually hosts more than fifty exhibitions.

Address: Bolshaya Morskaya, 35

Club-museum "Boiler room Kamchatka"

Founded in a former boiler room. Since Viktor Tsoi worked here for two years, and later mentioned her in his songs, the place became a cult place. Currently, fans of the group gather here, there are creative evenings, literary readings and small concerts. The entrance to the museum is free. The exhibits are memorabilia of musicians, among others - Tsoi's guitar.

Address: St. Petersburg, Blokhin street, 15

Site: clubkamchatka.ru

Museum of Soviet slot machines

Opened in 2013. Private interactive project. The Museum in St. Petersburg is a branch of the Moscow "big brother". There are about fifty operating machines here. The ticket price includes an excursion, and all visitors receive old coins of fifteen kopecks in their hands, which can be used to play on the machines they like.

Address: St. Petersburg, Konyushennaya square, 2 V

Website: 15kop.ru
