Pedestrian Navaginskaya street in Sochi


Navaginskaya street is the standard of resort pedestrian streets! Quiet, nice, cozy and green, many cafes and shops. What else does a holidaymaker need?

Navaginskaya Street is a great place to walk in Sochi. Here's how to decorate the southern pedestrian streets so that you would like to walk along them, and not run away from there, dropping your slippers!

The street is striking with lush greenery - it seems that here you can see half of the arboretum. Palm trees, cypresses, agaves, yucca, pampas grass, oleanders, thuja and many more plants and flowers unknown to me. Among the greenery, benches, sculptures, cafes, restaurants and shops are discreetly located. There is even a light and music fountain. See where else you can enjoy a pleasant walk in Sochi.

For all its tourist orientation, the appearance of Navaginskaya Street does not have vulgarity and outright bargaining, as in the Cypress Alley in Sudak, which plunges into tourist hell. This is a place for leisurely walks and gatherings in a cafe. It is also convenient to walk along it to the sea, because it will lead you from the railway station directly to the seaport.

By the way, about the railway station. Do not pass by him indifferently! Take a closer look, and on the tower you will see a wonderful zodiac dial, where among the usual signs of the zodiac behind the numbers 2, 3 and 4 are the Hounds, the Swan and the Ophiuchus. It is curious that there is a similar tower with a clock face in Simferopol - and the architect is the same, Aleksey Dushkin. It is also interesting that Stalin approved the project of the Sochi railway station. Stalin and the signs of the zodiac - something is not right here ... If you are interested, read about the history of the station and the riddle of the strange dial.
