Tours for recreation in the Russian Federation and where is it better to go?


Consider the current prices for tours in Russia in 2021 and find out where to go inexpensively to the South. We will select the best options for recreation at sea resorts in summer and active sports in the mountains in winter, we will teach you how to select cheaper package offers from all tour operators and we will reveal a few secrets.

Quite recently, the chimes sounded and everyone raised their glasses in unison for the coming year 2021, but time is running out inexorably, and now more than half of this year is over, it's time to think about the future, including the next vacation. Perhaps this will happen in a few months, during the new year, or maybe next summer the whole family will be able to relax at sea in Sochi. Be that as it may, it is customary to prepare for such significant events in advance.

The future is impossible to predict, but you can plan it carefully, for example, choosing a tour that is suitable in terms of time and cost right now. Moreover, the prepayment made guarantees the invariability of the cost of the voucher from reliable tour operators. And many of them offer good early booking discounts, which can significantly reduce the cost of a family trip.

Where to go on vacation?

Russia is rich in the number of places recommended for visiting: resort cities of the Black Sea coast, Crimea, cities of the central part of the country for an excursion trip, Altai Mountains and Baikal, many different sanatoriums and boarding houses. For every taste and cost, you can find the location and conditions for a vacation.

Inexpensive tours in Russia from Moscow in 2021, as in the past years in general, will occupy their honorable niche. From Moscow, you can go to any part of Russia, both for a couple of days, and for several weeks, and possibly months. It is very easy to find a tour from Moscow in any direction. And often it is much cheaper than departure or departure from other cities of our vast Motherland.

The cost of the trip depends on the tour itself, its duration, number of people, season, accommodation conditions and the category of the chosen place to stay. The way to overcome the distance to the place is of great importance. The most expensive, but the fastest way was and remains an airplane; early booking will help to significantly reduce the cost of a ticket.

Tourists traveling on their own by car can combine a paid tour and sightseeing along the way. By the way, this way of travel is becoming popular, we already have a review of a trip to Crimea by car across the New Bridge.

The cost of vouchers in Russia in the all-inclusive system will be from 4000 to 4500 per day per person. At the same time, the most expensive vouchers will be for those who decide to relax in a resort hotel, and the cheapest option will be obtained when placing in a sanatorium or boarding house. However, establishments of this level do not always provide vouchers for such a system.

How to buy a cheap tour?

We definitely recommend using the calendar, which will allow you to see the cost for neighboring dates, thanks to this you can save a lot and spend money on entertainment.

If you do not know how to look for budget options, a short instruction will help you to find out the nuances.

Where to relax at sea with children?

Summer in the south is the time for a spa vacation for the whole family. The sea season in Russia starts in May and lasts until mid-October. At other times, you can visit these resorts, but you won't be able to swim in the sea and lie on the beach, as it gets cold. But excursion trips are taking place, which are often emotionally exciting. Let's select the best places where to buy a sea tour will be the most optimal option.

In 2021, judging by the trends of past years, Sochi and the Crimea peninsula remain the most visited resorts. Thanks to the bridge that connected the peninsula with the mainland, getting there has become easier and faster. Also, no one canceled other resort cities of the Krasnodar Territory. All of these beach areas have a huge number of resort centers for all visitors, including families with children.

Even in boarding houses and sanatoriums, all kinds of services and animation are offered, making it easier for parents to relax. In most of the establishments, babysitting services and children's rooms are available, even children's transport is not necessary, you can rent a stroller on the spot.

Tours in Sochi

Crimea tours

Where to go for an inexpensive vacation?

Where to have an inexpensive vacation in Russia with a voucher - this question worries many parents, especially in the period when the dollar rate controls our capabilities. As the family grows larger, travel costs increase substantially every year. Traveling by savages in the presence of kids is also not the best option, and parents try to get the cheapest vouchers, with acceptable conditions.

The greatest demand is for cheap tours to sea resorts. One of the most optimal options for a family vacation on the seashore is a ticket to the resorts of the Azov Sea. The direction is ideal for children, it is warm and not very deep. First of all, we advise you to consider the Azov boarding house, which is famous for its positive reviews and conditions.

Inexpensive rest can also be obtained in the city of Solnechnogorsk, on the coast of Crimea. The cost of living in the season starts from 350 rubles per person per day for accommodation in simple conditions. Good hotels offer prices from 780 rubles / day. The coast is gently sloping, which is important when traveling with a child.

  • Tours to the south, where you can relax inexpensively:





In addition to sea travel, you can choose an excursion trip to the cities of Russia. Unique trips along the Golden Ring, visiting St. Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd and other hero cities.

Such events can be found in any travel agency, but we always use the Tripster service, it allows you to find really interesting walks with fascinating guides who do not lead you in standard ways telling learned brochures from the Internet.

Interesting excursions

For lovers of a quiet natural vacation, you can choose secluded places, not far from their hometown. Seliger, the expanses of Altai and the coast of Lake Baikal are perfect for outdoor recreation, the beauty of the Chelyabinsk lakes attracts tourists every year.

Tourists interested in the history and culture of their native people should visit places such as Arkaim and Zyuratkul. Arakul Shikhan and other incredibly beautiful places in the Urals.

New Year packages 2022

Not everyone takes a vacation in the summer and not everyone loves the heat. For such tourists, cheap tours around Russia for the New Year 2022 are offered. Spending the New Year holidays at a ski resort in a pleasant company and in excellent climatic conditions, what could be better?

Quiet winter evenings by the fireplace with a mug of mulled wine wrapped in a blanket. If this picture is pleasant to you, then it is worth considering a vacation in ski resorts. Perfect for this Abzakovo or Krasnaya Gorka in Sochi. A huge number of mountain resorts in Bashkiria, the Urals, the Chelyabinsk region, Altai, Baikal.

Even in the central part of Russia, there are good options for winter vacations. For example, a trip to visit Grandfather Frost in Veliky Ustyug. Children will definitely appreciate such a trip. And parents will be pleased to watch the happy and happy children!

View Cheap Winter Vacation Packages

Even more about holidays in Russia in our section, where you can find out about the best destinations, climate, ticket prices, and other points when planning a trip along with a travel-picture.
